How are salaries for doctors working at public hospitals in France determined?

29 Aprile 2020 | Medical career

In France, the salaries of physicians at public hospitals, whether they by psychiatrists, specialists, odontologists, etc., are determined by a fixed chart. The salary of a practicing physician at public hospital is determined by French legislation which classifies doctors as category A functionaries of the State. The actual salary varies depending on seniority and number of weekly working hours, and includes the possibility of earning bonuses and allowances. The salary of foreign doctors working in France is also regulated based on various criteria.


How the chart indicating salaries for doctors in public hospitals in France based on rank, works.


In France, the salary chart for practicing hospital physicians is a tool used to determine the amount of remuneration paid out to members of that profession. This chart sets the rates for physicians throughout their entire career. It defines levels, per occupation and responsibility, how long a doctor has worked within the levels, and the corresponding salaries. There are 13 levels for physicians practicing at a public hospital: the first two are reached at the end of each year, the others every two years, and the 13th at the end of four years after reaching level 12.


For foreign doctors practicing at French hospitals, the salary chart is applied in such a way that starting salaries are calculated the same as those of French doctors at the start of their career. The chart is adjustable, though the maximum level that a contracted doctor can reach is equivalent to level 4 of a French doctor with the same public service function. Lastly, the chart defining doctors’ salaries in France also sets gross remuneration amounts. To calculate a doctor’s net salary, one must deduct the various social contributions due. As a rule of thumb, net salary will be the gross salary minus 15%.


Doctor salaries at public hospitals


Working as a doctor at a public hospital, you will earn a starting gross salary of 4,130 euros per month at level 1. Once you have reached level 4, that is, after 6 years in this career, this will have increased to 4,411 euros.

The minimum gross salary for a full-time doctor under contract at a public hospital is 4,130 euros. Towards the end of their career, they can expect to earn a maximum gross salary of 4,852 euros per month. This does not include bonuses and allowances, as well as overtime pay as appropriate. It is therefore not uncommon for a foreign doctor in France to earn a gross monthly salary of over 5,000 euros after 5 years on the job.

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